


With a critical focus on carbon emissions, we are seeking to address the urgency of the climate crisis with speed and scale in multiple areas of our business.

Our Position

Climate change is one of the world’s most important challenges. We believe addressing carbon emissions is urgent and required to deliver a meaningful benefit for future generations. 

Assessing our carbon emissions using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, we have identified the lifetime energy-use of the appliances we sell as the greatest primary contributor to our carbon emissions, and therefore the biggest opportunity for reduction.

For more details on our goals, per-appliance metric and strategy please see our Carbon Impact Statement.


以 2020 年为基准,我们的目标是到 2030 年将每台售出电器的范围 1、2 和 3 碳排放量减少 50%,到 2050 年减少 90%。


To address our carbon emissions, we have developed a carbon impact strategy focused on 5 key areas: new products, new company choices, new customer choices, new technologies and new ecosystems.


We will reduce the most carbon emissions by designing and manufacturing appliances that are significantly more energy efficient or part of home ecosystems that are powered by lower-carbon electricity.

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我们的 2024 年碳影响声明反映了我们减轻对气候负面影响的雄心壮志。它概述了我们 2020 年的基准定位,并定义了我们相信将通过减少每台电器的碳排放量来产生影响的目标、战略、路线图和行动。

For transparency, we report progress towards our per-appliance-sold goals and our total carbon emissions on an annual basis.

Download The Statement
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Fisher & Paykel 家居解决方案

Fisher & Paykel Home Solutions was established to deliver new opportunities for carbon net zero living. Through integrated energy generation and management systems, it is contributing to the creation of carbon net zero homes in Australasia. Our goal is 100% electric homes tailored to the customer’s carbon ambitions.

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Carbon Zero Smarthome R&D Institute

In 2022, we established the Fisher & Paykel Carbon Zero SmartHome R&D Institute, an organisation with the mandate to create and invest in research and innovation with the potential to fast-track home energy decarbonisation.

Our R&D Institute considers whole-of-home ecosystems, from appliance design to energy generation, energy storage and management, and home design and construction. It is establishing the processes and capabilities required to explore new science and technologies, and amplify innovation with our global partners.