Privacy Policy

Effective 2022

This Privacy Policy was updated on 18 April, 2024.

Fisher & Paykel Appliances (Shanghai) Co Ltd ("FPA") takes the privacy of personal information seriously and is committed to giving effect to relevant privacy legislation and wants you to be familiar with how we collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information. This Privacy Policy describes our practices in connection with information that we collect through websites operated by us (from which you are accessing this Privacy Policy), our call centres operated by us (where you will be referred to this Privacy Policy on our websites), the software applications made available by us (for use on or through computers and mobile devices), or our social media pages that we control (from which you are accessing this Privacy Policy), as well as through HTML-formatted email messages that we send to you (that link to this Privacy Policy) (all collectively referred to as the "Services"). This Privacy Policy also covers our collection and use of your personal information through various offline channels.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our practices in relation to your personal information. Contact details of FPA can be found under the Contact Us section of this Privacy Policy.


FPA collects general and anonymous statistical information when you browse through our websites, software applications and social media pages. This information does not identify you personally, but is simply used to enable us to evaluate the performance of these platforms, allow us to assess statistical information on the overall experience of visitors to them and improve our advertising campaigns. If we combine or connect this general and statistical information with your personal information so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal information, which will be handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

At certain times we may ask you to provide personal information (being any information about an individual from which that person can be identified) when using the Services, as described below. We may need to collect and use the information because we are either legally required to do so or because we need it to provide the requested goods or services to you. If you do not provide the information when requested, this may result in certain goods or services not being available to you.

  • Product Purchase and Registration
    When you register a product, or purchase a product, through one of our Services or by contacting FPA, we will collect and process the information that you provide. In particular, we may ask you to provide your name, address, phone number, email address, and your product's model number, serial number, purchase date and purchase store. You are required to provide this information so that your product can be registered or purchased. Providing this information will also allow us to quickly and easily identify customers when contacted with any issues, inform customers of any appliance safety information or communicate with you for marketing purposes or otherwise.
  • Customer Service and Support
    If you schedule a service call, make a consumer enquiry, report a problem with our Services or email us through the Contact Us link on any of our Services, we may ask you to provide your name, address, phone number, email address, and your product's model number and serial number so that we can schedule your service call or respond to your questions and comments. We may also keep a record of any correspondence between us.
  • Transaction Information
    If you purchase a product or service from FPA, we may collect details of transactions that are carried out through one of our Services and of the fulfilment of your orders. In addition to your name, email or physical address and contact number, this may include details about payments to and from you.
  • Promotional Activities
    If you choose to participate in our promotional activities, such as rebates, contests and other similar promotions, we may collect your name, email address, physical address and contact number to administer your participation and/or communicate with you in future in relation to the promotion or for marketing purposes. Some promotions will have additional rules containing information about how we use and disclose your personal information.
  • Applications & Other Online Activities
    We may collect information through software applications made available by us or when you otherwise use our online Services or platforms. We may collect browser and device information, application usage data, information collected though cookies, pixel tags and other technologies, and IP addresses (refer to the section on Cookies below).
  • Questionnaires and Surveys
    We occasionally ask visitors to our website and consumers to complete online surveys and opinion polls about their activities and interests to help us improve the usefulness of our Services, products or improve our customer service. We may ask you to provide your name, physical address, email address and/or phone number. Online surveys and polls may be carried out by a third party on our behalf, but they are always voluntary and you do not need to respond to them.
  • Product Review
    If you choose to review a product or service, we may collect the information you provide to us in relation to the product or service review that you submit. We may ask you to provide your name, residential address, email address and details of the product or service you are reviewing. We do not display any personal information you provide in connection with a FPA product review, unless you specifically agree. If you do agree, your name and where you reside, along with your review, may be made available online for viewing by the general public. Online reviews are voluntary and you do not need to provide them.
  • Location Information
    If you use any location-enabled products, you may be sending us location information. FPA does not store or use this information other than to provide the service you requested. For example, a mobile product may use GPS data to find a nearby FPA experience centre or retailer selling FPA products. Location-enabled features are opt-in and you have control over your participation and can turn these services off at any time by changing the settings on your device.


We may collect the above categories of personal information from you through various offline channels for us to provide and improve the Services. For example when you visit one of our distribution networks (including retailers) or attend a trade show or event we are represented at. The subsequent processing and use of your personal information collected offline will also follow this Privacy Policy.


We may receive personal information about you from publicly and commercially available sources (like public databases and our joint marketing partners) and other partners or third parties (provided it is permitted by, and in compliance with, applicable laws). We may need to use the information because it is necessary for us to provide and improve the Services.

Sensitive personal information

Except for those sensitive personal information (your identity, address, phone number, financial data, transaction data, etc.) we will require to provide the Services, we will not collect any other categories of sensitive data (e.g. information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background or trade union membership). Please do not send or disclose to us any of the foregoing sensitive data through your access and use of the Services or other channels.

Use of personal information

We may use the personal information collected about you for the following purposes:

  • To register you as a new customer and administer and communicate with you about your account (including purchases and payments).
  • To give you access to our online store, confirm, process and contact you about any orders you may place and deal with returns or questions you may contact us, or need to be contacted, about.
  • To process and deliver your order.
  • To provide, administer and communicate with you about products, services, event, surveys and promotions (including by sending you marketing communications).
  • To contact you with a service notification for your registered appliance or provide you with other notices about the safety of your appliance regardless of your stated privacy preference.
  • To process, evaluate and respond to your requests, inquiries and applications.
  • To personalise your experience on the services by presenting products and offers tailored to you.
  • To verify your identity to ensure security for the other purposes listed here.
  • To operate, evaluate and improve our business (including developing new products and services, assessing the effectiveness of our services, advertising and marketing approaches (including defining groups of audiences for marketing purposes and creating aggregate de-identified data sets that do not identify an individual) and how to improve these, managing communications and carrying out our various accounting, auditing, billing, reconciliation and collection activities).
  • To protect against and prevent fraud, unauthorised transactions, claims and other liabilities and manage risk exposure and quality.
  • To conduct investigations, comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, industry standards and our policies and terms, such as this and other FPA services' terms of use.
  • To ensure the safety of FPA services, products, information resources and employees.

We may also use personal information for other additional purposes which we will specify at the time of collection. You may decide not to provide us with certain types of information, but doing so may affect your ability to use some Services.

We may need to collect and use some of the information as mentioned above because we are either legally required to do so or because we have acquired your consent.


For the purposes set out above, your personal information may be shared by us with:

  • Third party service providers that provide product or perform services for us relating to your purchase or use of a FPA product, including:
    • distribution and transport providers who help deliver the product to you;
    • product service agents and technicians who help us service and repair products;
    • IT service providers who assist with the running of our IT services (including the Services) which allow us to provide our products and services to you; and
    • data and survey service providers who assist us with understanding data held by us and our audience, the markets that we operate in and issue surveys to our customers.
  • The Fisher and Paykel group of companies for reporting and business development and management purposes. Primarily this includes our direct parent company Fisher & Paykel Appliances Limited (which is based and incorporated in New Zealand).

The categories of personal information disclosed to third party service providers and other group companies mentioned above. Include name, contact information (including contact number and physical and email addresses) and transaction information.

We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal information and to treat it in accordance with the law. Third party service providers are contractually restricted from using or disclosing the information, except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements. We do not sell or disclose (except as stated in this Privacy Policy) your personal information to other organisations without first informing you of such disclosures and, where required, obtaining your prior consent.

We may also disclose information about you (i) if we are required to do so by law or legal process (which may include laws outside your country of residence), (ii) to law enforcement authorities or other government officials (which may include authorities outside your country of residence), or (iii) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity.

We may also use, disclose or transfer your personal information to a third party in the event of any reorganisation, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings) provided that the third party will continue to comply with this Privacy Policy. We may also, with your consent, use and disclose your personal information in other ways.


Your personal information may be stored and/or processed in a country outside of your country of residence where we (including companies in the Fisher and Paykel group of companies) or our third-party service providers and contractors are based and/or operate from, and you consent to the transfer of information to countries outside of your country of residence which may have data protection rules that are different from those of your country.

Whenever we transfer your personal information out of your country of residence, we ensure that a similar degree of protection is afforded to you by putting in place adequate technical, organisational and legal measures.

Please contact us in accordance with the  Contact Us  section below if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal information out of your country of residence.


We may use third party advertising companies to serve, or directly serve, advertisements regarding products and services provided by FPA that may be of interest to you when you access and use the Services, other websites or online services.

These targeted advertisements are a result of profiling which involves processing or analysing data on a partially automated basis. This may involve analysing or using data relating to your access to, and use of, the Services, other websites or online services on any of your devices (including, for example, data captured by placing or recognising a unique cookie on your browser), as well as information or data received from third parties.

The aim is to provide you with content that is relevant and interesting for you and provide you with a more pleasant user experience when surfing the Internet.

You can opt out from third party advertising and profiling through your browser settings. These are typically in the "privacy" settings of your browser settings or preferences.

The opt out from third party advertising and profiling will not affect your access and use of the core functions of the Services.


We may provide links to other websites for your convenience and information. These sites may have their own privacy policies in place, and we strongly recommend that you should read carefully their privacy polices before accessing or using their content and services. We are not responsible for the content of linked sites, or any use of such sites, or collection and use of your personal information by such sites.

Retention of personal information

We will retain personal information for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use of disclosure of your personal information, the purposes for which we process your personal information and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. We will delete or anonymise your personal information when the retention period expires.

Please contact us in accordance with the  Contact Us  section below if you want further information in relation to the retention of your personal information.

The protection of your personal information

FPA is committed to protecting your personal information. We use a variety of technologies, systems and procedures to protect your personal information against unauthorised disclosure, use, alteration or destruction, and other security incidents. Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please immediately notify us in accordance with the  Contact Us  section below.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal information breach and will notify the relevant people as we are legally required to do so.


FPA wants to make sure you have easily manageable choices about how to better control your personal information during our provision of products and services or marketing promotions. You may opt out from:

  • Receiving electronic communications from us:
    If you no longer want to receive marketing-related emails or communications from us on a going-forward basis, you may update your email preferences at any time by clicking the link in the footer of any email we send you. You can also request to opt-out of the use of your personal information by FPA for marketing purposes by contacting us at any time in accordance with the details set out in the  Contact Us  section below.
  • Receiving SMS mobile alert updates or notices from us:
    Receiving SMS mobile alert updates or notices from us: If you no longer want to receive these just reply "UNSUBSCRIBE" to any update or alert. You can also request to opt-out of receiving these by contacting us at any time in accordance with the details set out in the  Contact Us  section below.

We will try to comply with your request(s) as soon as reasonably practicable. Please note that if you opt out of receiving marketing-related emails from us, we may still send you important administrative messages that you cannot opt out from.

Please note that the opt-out from electronic communications from us will not affect your access and use of the core functions of the Services, but you may miss certain information on the Services, including promotional offers and other relevant information.

How you can access, change or delete your personal information

If you would like to request to access, review, correct, update, or delete your personal information that is in our possession, you may contact us at any time in accordance with the details in the Contact Us section below.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time during your access and use of the Services, and you can exercise this right by contacting us in accordance with the details in the Contact Us section below. Please note that the withdrawal shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on your consent before the withdrawal.

You have the right to delete your account with us provided that (i) we have performed the obligations (contractual or otherwise) in full, (ii) you have performed the obligations (contractual or otherwise) in full, (iii) you have paid all the outstanding amounts owed to us, and (iv) there are no pending issues and communications between you and us, for example, questions relating to customer service and return of products. Please note that even if your account has been deleted, we may need to keep a record of certain personal information about you in accordance with our retention policy.

In your request, please make clear what actions you would like us to take in relation to your personal information. For security purposes we will need to verify your identity before taking any actions to respond to your request. We will try to comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable, but you understand that under certain circumstances or exceptions we will not be able to take actions based on your request, in which case we will inform you in writing the decision and the reason.

No fee is charged to access your personal information (or to exercise any other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your requests is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.

There may also be certain residual information that will remain within our databases and other records, which cannot be removed by using reasonable technical effort. If this is the case, such information will be stored in a secure environment and protected from further access, processing and use.


What is a cookie?

Cookies are harmless text files stored on your computer/device/browser when you visit certain sites/pages.

What do we use them for?

We use cookies to enhance and personalise your experience with us, for example, to allow you to include/save items in your shopping cart, and to make our site run smoothly and work best for you. The data is completely anonymous and none of the cookies we use collect personal information about you. To make full use of the features and functions of our site, including e-commerce and purchase functions on our site, your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone needs to accept cookies. If cookies aren't accepted by/enabled on your web browser, it will mean you will only be able to browse and research and won't be able to add products to your shopping cart and purchase them.

Managing cookies

Most web browsers have cookies automatically enabled. You can manage cookies through your browser settings. These are typically in the "privacy" section of your browser settings or preferences. In some instances you can configure your browser to notify you when you're offered a cookie and decide whether to accept or not.

You can opt-out of each cookie category (except strictly necessary cookies) by clicking on the “cookie settings” button below:

Cookie Settings

To learn more about the cookies we use and what they do, please see the comprehensive list below. This list will dynamically update as cookies change on the site, however your selected preferences will always persist.

For a fuller description of the Google Analytics software and how it collects and processes data, please refer  Google Privacy & Terms  Our use of Google Analytics software is bound by Google's terms and conditions including  Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service  (including the  Google Privacy Policy ).


FPA may, without prior notice to you, review and update this Privacy Policy from time to time to make sure that it remains current and reflects changes in our information practices. We will indicate at the top of the Privacy Policy when it was most recently updated. FPA will also make available to you the most updated version of this Privacy Policy on its websites and software applications.


If you have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, please email us .

If you want to opt out of receiving marketing information at any time by contacting us on 400 640 8777 or email us .

If you would prefer to contact us by mail, please write to us at:

Legal and Compliance
Fisher & Paykel Appliances Limited
PO Box 58550
Botany, Manukau
Auckland 2163
New Zealand

We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable (usually within 15 days) and it may take longer time for us to respond to complicated requests and we will inform you in due course.